Introduction. Stateville revisited: debates with James B. Jacobs on the validity of his work 40 years later

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Elena Larrauri
Introduction to the round table discussion with James B. Jacobs, author of the classic study on the sociology of prisons Stateville: The Penitentiary in Mass Society, on the validity of his work 40 years later. In this introductory text we present the book and discuss why it remains relevant today. The commentaries that follow reflect on various topics examined in Jacobs’ book and the current situation of Spanish prisons. More specifically, the issues debated in the round table included the role of prison staff in prison reform and their racial profiles, political and social influences on the transformation of prison authority, the privatization of punishment, the imposition of order in women’s prisons and education in prison.
prison, order, authority, prison bureaucratization, prison staff

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How to Cite
Larrauri, Elena. “Introduction. Stateville revisited: debates with James B. Jacobs on the validity of his work 40 years later”. Papers: revista de sociologia, vol.VOL 104, no. 3, pp. 547-52,
Author Biography

Elena Larrauri, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Elena Larrauri is Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona). Her research interests are prison systems, criminal records, community sentences, and gender analysis of criminal justice system. She is founding member of the Criminology and Criminal Justice System Research Group and the leading member of the Excellence Network on Criminological Evidence and Crime Policy (2017).