The right of children to be researched properly

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María José Bernuz Beneitez
This paper presents some reflections on the possibility that the different ethical considerations when carrying out a research with children can be shaped as a right and not just simple recommendations. In order to do so, we analyze some specialties to be considered in this type of research, such as dissymmetry and the power relations between the researcher and the subject researched, the revision of classical issues such as informed consent or confidentiality, or the conditions that mark the equal and meaningful participation of the child in the research.
children’s rights, ethics in the social sciences research, participatory rights

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How to Cite
Bernuz Beneitez, María José. “The right of children to be researched properly”. Papers: revista de sociologia, vol.VOL 104, no. 3, pp. 381-02,
Author Biography

María José Bernuz Beneitez, Universitat de Saragossa

Departament de Dret Penal, Filosofia del Dret i Història del Dret. Professora titular d’universitat de Sociologia jurídica i Filosofia del Dret