The transnational political opportunity structure and the relational turn in the analysis of political involvement and the migrant associative movement

Main Article Content

Natalia Moraes Mena
Isabel Cutillas Fernández
In migrant political participation studies it is common to find approaches based on the political opportunity structure (POS); a perspective that emerged from studies on social movements and civic activism. POS confronts other approaches that conceive collective action based on the natural aggregation of common interests. Instead of this, POS highlights the relevance of political context to explain the development of several political practices of migrants. POS is currently one of the dominant approaches in analyzing migrant activism. The aim of this article is to reflect on these debates and highlight the most important constraints of this perspective. To do so, we focus on immigrants’ self-organizations in Spain and the links between them and their countries. The article presents a proposal of a relational and dynamic research framework in order to take into account the main factors that should be considered when dealing with migrants’ civic and political participation.
migrants, political participation, immigrant organizations, political opportunity structure, transnational perspective

Article Details

How to Cite
Moraes Mena, Natalia; and Cutillas Fernández, Isabel. “The transnational political opportunity structure and the relational turn in the analysis of political involvement and the migrant associative movement”. Papers: revista de sociologia, vol.VOL 103, no. 4, pp. 605-24,
Author Biographies

Natalia Moraes Mena, Universitat de Múrcia

Professora contractada doctora al Departament de Sociologia de la Universitat de Múrcia. Coordinadora del Màster de Sociologia Aplicada de la Universitat de Múrcia. Ha estat investigadora visitant al Departament de Sociologia de la Universitat Duke (EUA), a l’Institut Gino Germani (Argentina), al Centre de Recerca i Estudis en Sociologia, ISCTE (Portugal), i al Departament de Sociologia de la Facultat de Ciències Socials (UDELAR, Uruguai). És autora de nombrosos articles i publicacions científiques: és coeditora de «Mediterrani migrant. Tres dècades de fluxos migratoris» (EDITUM) i de «Migració i participació política. Estats, organitzacions i migrants llatinoamericans en perspectiva local-transnacional» (CSIC). Les seves principals línies de recerca estan relacionades amb la sociologia de les migracions, la sociologia de la diversitat i la sociologia política.

Isabel Cutillas Fernández, Universitat de Múrcia

Investigadora del Departament de Sociologia de la Universitat de Múrcia. Llicenciada en Sociologia i en Ciències Polítiques. Candidata a doctora en Sociologia en el Programa d’Estudis de Doctorat: Societat, Desenvolupament i Relacions Laborals de la Universitat de Múrcia. Directora de Zaranda Investigación Social. Ha publicat diversos articles científics sobre participació, migracions i responsabilitat social corporativa.