Residential Sprawl in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region: Areas, Actors and Trends

Main Article Content

Arlinda García Coll
Cristina López Villanueva
This article focuses on residential sprawl in the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona (RMB) during the period 1996-2015 in order to account for the demographic impact caused by this phenomenon. This research takes as its starting point the analysis of residential mobility to low-density municipalities, considering its impact on the housing market, demographic structure and social composition. Municipalities with marked urban spread are identified according to lower net density and a higher percentage of isolated houses. The analysis is based on the calculation of residential mobility rates by age, rates of new construction according to building type, population growth, indicators of family structure and per capita income. Additional information from the Mobility Family Solidarity and Citizenship Survey in the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona, 2005 is also used. The results reveal the large residential attractiveness of disperse municipalities that weaken with the onset of the economic crisis. The incidence of immigration gives rise to equally intense construction rates that lead to unprecedented population growth, which profoundly modifies the population structure—rejuvenated by the arrival of young couples with small children— and transforms the social structure as a result of the arrival of a high percentage of middle- and high-income families. The conclusions reflect on the challenges faced by these municipalities undergoing rapid demographic change and on the future of the outgoing mobility to dispersed areas.
residential mobility, urban sprawl, residential strategies, suburbanization, structural change

Article Details

How to Cite
García Coll, Arlinda; and López Villanueva, Cristina. “Residential Sprawl in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region: Areas, Actors and Trends”. Papers: revista de sociologia, vol.VOL 102, no. 4, pp. 727-60,
Author Biographies

Arlinda García Coll, Universitat de Barcelona

Arlinda García Coll és doctora en Geografia per la Universitat de Barcelona i postgraduada en Demografia pel Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics (UAB). És professora titular del Departament de Geografia de la Universitat de Barcelona. Entre les seves línies de recerca destaca l’anàlisi de les migracions interiors, amb especial dedicació a l’estudi dels canvis recents en la mobilitat residencial.

Cristina López Villanueva, Universitat de Barcelona

Cristina López Villanueva és doctora en Sociologia per la Universitat de Barcelona i postgraduada en Demografia pel Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics (UAB). És professora agregada del Departament de Sociologia de la Facultat d’Economia i Empresa de la Universitat de Barcelona. Entre les seves línies de recerca destaca l’anàlisi dels canvis sociodemogràfics en els espais urbans, com ara les transformacions de les llars i les famílies o de la mobilitat residencial.