Coming of Age in Spain: The Self-identification, Beliefs and Self-esteem of the Second Generation

Main Article Content

Alejandro Portes
Erik Vickstrom
Rosa Aparicio Gómez
We review the literature on determinants of ethnic/national self-identities and self-esteem as a prelude to examining these outcomes among a large, statistically representative sample of second generation adolescents in Madrid and Barcelona. While these psycho-social outcomes are malleable, they still represent important dimensions of immigrant adaptation and can have significant consequences both for individual mobility and collective mobilizations. Current theories are largely based on data from the USA and other Anglophone countries. The availability of a new large Spanish survey allows us to test those theories in an entirely different socio-cultural context. The analysis concludes with a structural equations model that summarizes key determinants of national identities and self-esteem among children of immigrants in Spain. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.
Self-identity, selective acculturation, dissonant acculturation, immigration, teenagers

Article Details

How to Cite
Portes, Alejandro et al. “Coming of Age in Spain: The Self-identification, Beliefs and Self-esteem of the Second Generation”. Papers: revista de sociologia, vol.VOL 98, no. 2, pp. 227-61,
Author Biographies

Alejandro Portes, Universidades de Princeton y Miami

Profesor de Sociología y fundador del Centro de Migraciones y Desarrollo en la Universidad de Princeton;  Profesor-Investigador, Universidad de Miami

Erik Vickstrom, Universidad de Princeton

Candidato doctoral.Universidad de Princeton

Rosa Aparicio Gómez, Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset

Dra en Sociología. Hasta 2009, catedrática de sociología en la Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Fundadora y directora de 1994 a 2004  del Instituto Universitario de Estudios sobre Migraciones de la misma Universidad. Directora de la Revista Migraciones durante doce años. Actualmente investigadora del Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset.