Gestión política del riesgo : reflexiones en torno a las regulaciones europea y catalana de OMG

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Marina Di Masso Tarditti
Conceived as «new risks», agricultural GMOs activate a political and social dynamic with effects over the political-scientific decision-making process. This paper explores this dynamic in a double level, European and Catalan. In the first case, GMOs regulation is analysed, identifying the factors that explain its result. In the second case, the diagnosis of a polarized debate shows the existence of underlying processes, determinant for the discussion. These processes (different languages and debate on the agri-food model) are due to the existence of opposed value systems and they condition the dynamics of the dispute.

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How to Cite
Masso Tarditti, Marina Di. “Gestión política del riesgo : reflexiones en torno a las regulaciones europea y catalana de OMG”. Papers: revista de sociologia, no. 89, pp. 41-63,