Residencia e inmigración : la vivienda imposible. El caso de los africanos en los municipios almerienses de agricultura intensiva
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Juan Carlos Checa Olmos
Ángeles Arjona Garrido
The residential situation of the immigrants coming from Africa in the county of Almería is described in this article. Taking like reference the concepts of inhabiting and worthy housing we measure the situation starting from the indicators of stability, adequate, habitability and accessibility. The data are obtained of the application of a survey and the registration of expert of the conditions of the housings. The results show a faulty residential situation, where almost three of each four immigrants occupy an unworthy residence.
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Com citar
Checa Olmos, Juan Carlos; and Arjona Garrido, Ángeles. “Residencia e inmigración : la vivienda imposible. El caso de los africanos en los municipios almerienses de agricultura intensiva”. Papers: revista de sociologia, no. 86, pp. 147-66,