Incidencia de las políticas familiares en el empleo femenino en los estados de bienestar del sur de Europa en perspectiva comparada
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Almudena Moreno Mínguez
The aim of this paper is to present the main achievements from a research in compared perspective carried out on the incidence that the development of the family policies in different Welfare States have had in the female employment. The hypothesis as starting point that has guided this research refers to the fact that in the Southern European countries (Spain, Greece and Italy) the scarce institutional development in the family policies has limited the incorporation of the women to the labour market, what would explain the reduced female activity rates and female employment that characterize these countries. To carry out the research it has been used the compared perspective and the exploitation of the different statistical data sources such as Eurostat and the OECD.
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Moreno Mínguez, Almudena. “Incidencia de las políticas familiares en el empleo femenino en los estados de bienestar del sur de Europa en perspectiva comparada”. Papers: revista de sociologia, no. 86, pp. 73-105,
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