Chivo expiatorio-mártir, héroe nacional y suicida-bomba : las metamorfosis sin fin de la violencia colectiva

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Josetxo Beriain
This paper takes into account the sociological profiles of three social types —the scapegoat- martyr, the national hero and the suicide-bomber— who historically embody violence in its specific social environments and with the respective motives which are behind their actions, being aware always that those types are being counteracted in a peaceful way by another social types such as the citizen, the celebrity of the modern culture and so on.

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Com citar
Beriain, Josetxo. “Chivo expiatorio-mártir, héroe nacional y suicida-bomba : las metamorfosis sin fin de la violencia colectiva”. Papers: revista de sociologia, no. 84, pp. 99-128,