Las competencias y el trabajo invisible en el trabajo administrativo de consultas externas hospitalarias
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Joan Miquel Verd
Matilde Massó
This article presents the identification process of competencies and invisible work in one of the two hospital areas where has been undertaken the fieldwork of a research focussed on the changes taking place on work process and on the competencies and skills exercised in the productive performance. Firstly it is presented a theoretical introduction on the concepts of competencies and invisible work. The second part is concerned with the methodological strategy used to its empirical identification. Finally, the conclusions of the research related to both concepts are presented and the links between each other in the area that has been studied are shown.
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Com citar
Verd, Joan Miquel; and Massó, Matilde. “Las competencias y el trabajo invisible en el trabajo administrativo de consultas externas hospitalarias”. Papers: revista de sociologia, no. 83, pp. 169-8,
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