Los agricultores como actores de la política agroambiental. Un enfoque multidimensional
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Fernando E. Garrido-Fernández
In this article the author analyses farmers’ attitudes facing with agri-environmental policy. To this end, a multidimensional approach is chosen (economic, social and environmental) allowing to analyse the farmers’ preferences framework. What dimension predominates in deciding to apply or not for an agri-environemental measure depends on that preferences framework, and on how it interacts with an opportunities structure made up of the content and nature of agri-environmental programme and the attitudes and strategies of governments and farmers’ unions.
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Com citar
Garrido-Fernández, Fernando E. “Los agricultores como actores de la política agroambiental. Un enfoque multidimensional”. Papers: revista de sociologia, no. 81, pp. 37-62, https://raco.cat/index.php/Papers/article/view/55649.