Emancipación juvenil a través de la formación de la pareja. Una comparación entre los censos de 1991 y de 2001

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Pau Miret Gamundi
The goal of this paper is to analyse family formation through partnership constitution in Spain at two cross-sectional points in time, that is, 1991 and 2001. The data sources are microdata files from the population censuses. The ratio between living with a partner and living without a partner with parents is the dependent variable. Analysis is conducted for different years of observation and for both sexes: We fit a model for each of these groups. Age, labour force participation (activity status) and educational attainment are the independent variables. The statistical method applied is logistic regression which allows the separation of net effects for each independent variable.

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Com citar
Miret Gamundi, Pau. “Emancipación juvenil a través de la formación de la pareja. Una comparación entre los censos de 1991 y de 2001”. Papers: revista de sociologia, vol.VOL 95, no. 3, pp. 757-7, https://raco.cat/index.php/Papers/article/view/199162.