Población y vivienda en España : el sistema residencial a la luz del censo de 2001
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Juan Antonio Módenes Cabrerizo
Julián López-Colás
This paper focuses on the concept of the residential system, which implies the interrelation between households’ housing behavior and social and demographic dimensions. The relative association between several housing characteristics and the age of the head of household has been explored. The explanation ability of this variable has been controlled by the structure of the household and the size of the residence locality. The dimensions of housing included in this paper are dwelling tenure, the number of floors of the building, construction year of the building and dwelling’s extension.
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Módenes Cabrerizo, Juan Antonio; and López-Colás, Julián. “Población y vivienda en España : el sistema residencial a la luz del censo de 2001”. Papers: revista de sociologia, vol.VOL 95, no. 3, pp. 655-72, https://raco.cat/index.php/Papers/article/view/199158.
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