Reconsiderando la gestión de riesgos en entornos sociotécnicos
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Anna García Hom
Ramon-Jordi Moles Plaza
Rachel Palmén
Sergi Fàbregues Feijóo
The communications revolution has profoundly affected the social structure of contemporary, advanced societies. Entangled in contexts of a markedly socio-technical nature, that is, intricate social interrelations and uncertain technological advances, the management of risk becomes a highly complex practice. In effect, socio-technical spheres, resulting from emerging technologies, situate the management of potential risk as a priority of individuals, in particular the benefits of science and technology. Fruit of the changing dynamics that originate from technologies in society, as well as from the social responses to these changes, new fronts are established, that demand the use of instruments and the application of certain procedures, adapted to this multidimensional reality. Risks associated with certain technologies are characterised today, by scientific incertainty (with which they are surrounded) and certain regulatory practices do not satisfy the trust of individuals. We should therefore, at the same time rethink and rework a new form of management which includes participation, as a path to enable the creation of social consensus.
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Com citar
García Hom, Anna et al. “Reconsiderando la gestión de riesgos en entornos sociotécnicos”. Papers: revista de sociologia, no. 93, pp. 103-26,
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