The decline of natural sciences : confronting diminishing interest, fewer scientists and poorer working conditions in western countries. A comparative analysis between Spain and the United Kingdom
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Carlos Elías
This study sets out to determine if the interest in and study of natural sciences is declining in western countries as scientists currently contend. Part one demonstrates how survey results reveal a decline of interest in scientific news in the EU. Part two explores the decline of interest further through examining data such as the number of students interested in scientific subjects and scientific careers. We compare data from two different countries: the UK and Spain. Within the study the UK represents the Anglo Saxon culture (traditionally more interested in science) and Spain represents the Latin culture (traditionally less interested). We conclude that in both regions there is a lack of interest in scientific subjects.
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Elías, Carlos. “The decline of natural sciences : confronting diminishing interest, fewer scientists and poorer working conditions in western countries. A comparative analysis between Spain and the United Kingdom”. Papers: revista de sociologia, no. 93, pp. 69-79,