La financiación de los partidos políticos en España. Consideraciones a partir de los informes del Tribunal de Cuentas y de la nueva Ley Orgánica 8/2007, de 4 de julio

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Joan Lluís Pérez Francesch
This article analyzes the new organic Act about financing of political parties (LO 8/2007, of the 4th of July) and several Auditing Court reports regarding the auditing of the political parties accountancy —specially those last published, regarding the 2003, 2004 and 2005 fiscal year. The problems that the Auditing court exposed regarding the political parties accountancy, the proposals of the new organic Act and the demands to implement a thorough control over the financial statements of the political parties, as paradigm of the democratic State, should be highlighted.

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Com citar
Pérez Francesch, Joan Lluís. “La financiación de los partidos políticos en España. Consideraciones a partir de los informes del Tribunal de Cuentas y de la nueva Ley Orgánica 8/2007, de 4 de julio”. Papers: revista de sociologia, no. 92, pp. 249-71,