Critical analysis of the anthropological foundations of capitalism and the liberal discourse that legitimizes it

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Samuel Segura Renau

The concept of individual builds the anthropological foundations of the political principles of liberal justice. Despite being, a priori, a discourse that aims to offer justice for everyone, it is actually legitimizing an unjust political and economic model, which generates serious social inequalities. The aim of the article is, firstly, to analyze these anthropological bases of capitalism and, secondly, to recover the concept of person from the personalist tradition of the 20th century, often forgotten, to reframe it as a valid and current alternative.

Individual, Person, Freedom, Justice, Common God

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How to Cite
Segura Renau, Samuel. “Critical analysis of the anthropological foundations of capitalism and the liberal discourse that legitimizes it”. Oxímora: revista internacional d’Ètica i Política, no. 22, pp. 36-56, doi:10.1344/oxmora.2023.i22.41042.