An Approach to Sweden´s Far-Right in Comparative Perspective with Finland.

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Miriam Ureta García
The research suggests carrying out an analytical approach to the radical-right parties Sweden Democrats and the Finns Party from a comparative perspective. In doing so, a general characterization of the typology of the new European parties belonging to the radical right and their ideological elements, a frame which allows us to analyze their leaders, the average profile of their voters and the reasons that lie beneath voting for this new family of political organizations is being presented. Once this general frame is briefly summarized according to the existing literature, it is applied to the cases of Sweden Democrats and the Finns Party, squeezing the analytical keys that provide significance to these organizations.
Sweden Democrats, the Finns Party, Radical-Right.

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How to Cite
Ureta García, Miriam. “An Approach to Sweden´s Far-Right in Comparative Perspective with Finland”. Oxímora: revista internacional d’Ètica i Política, no. 11, pp. 25-47,