El fundamento místico de la justicia: aportes del escepticismo en Montaigne, Hume, Foucault.

Main Article Content

Cristina Ambrosini
After suffering bloody military dictatorships in Latin America in the last
decades, debates about the legitimacy of the rule of law and the
mechanisms of administration of justice dominate the interest of the
Philosophy of Law. In this paper, we bring together two emblematic
thinkers of modern skepticism, Michel de Montaigne and David Hume,
before pointing out, as a contemporary representative, the contribution of
Michel Foucault in his analysis of neoliberalism. In the courses published
as The Birth of Biopolitics we find categories of analysis suitable for
reflecting on the judicialization of politics, a phenomenon adjudicated to
the neoliberal struggle in the region.
Skepticism, Mystical foundation, Biopolitics, Neoliberalism, Judicialization.

Article Details

How to Cite
Ambrosini, Cristina. “El fundamento místico de la justicia: aportes del escepticismo en Montaigne, Hume, Foucault”. Oxímora: revista internacional d’Ètica i Política, no. 10, pp. 120-31, https://raco.cat/index.php/Oximora/article/view/323221.
Author Biography

Cristina Ambrosini, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Universidad Nacional de Lanús.

Universidad de Buenos Aires. Universidad Nacional de Lanús.