La justicia y el derecho a la verdad.

Main Article Content

Norbert Bilbeny
"Truth is a fundamental value for politics, but it is not usually respected
by politics." In this article, the author establishes the relationship between
corruption and the loss of trust in public management, a situation
characterized, ultimately, by injustice. In order to recover it, links the
political value of truth with information and confidentiality, to defend
that the commitment to the first one is a fundamental task of justice, and
the latter, key factors for the regeneration and recovery of citizen trust in
societies affected by corruption.
Justice, Truth, Confidenciality, Corruption.

Article Details

How to Cite
Bilbeny, Norbert. “La justicia y el derecho a la verdad”. Oxímora: revista internacional d’Ètica i Política, no. 10, pp. 1-16,
Author Biography

Norbert Bilbeny, Universitat de Barcelona.

Catedràtic d'Ètica de la Universitat de Barcelona.