Contra la precariedad, con la precariedad; cuidados y feminismo.

Main Article Content

Tomeu Sales Gelabert
This paper addresses the discussion on precariousness from the dimension of care and feminist criticism. On one hand it noted that job insecurity is the result of the application of neoliberal policies and on the other that precariousness is a constitutive element of human life. It is shown that these two basic forms of precariousness are not contradictory, but they are two different elements that are positioned against the mechanisms of mass production of precariousness: neoliberal policies and patriarchy. Thus, from insecurity, we stand critically against the feminisation of precarious employment, proposing a care policy which is also, democratic and feminist.
Precariousness, Care, Neoliberalism, Care policy, Feminism.

Article Details

How to Cite
Sales Gelabert, Tomeu. “Contra la precariedad, con la precariedad; cuidados y feminismo”. Oxímora: revista internacional d’Ètica i Política, no. 8, pp. 53-62,
Author Biography

Tomeu Sales Gelabert, Universidad de las Islas Baleares.

Este trabajo se ha desarrollado dentro del proyecto de investigación titulado: La Europa de las mujeres. Construcción política y nuevas formas de ciudadanía. Proyecto financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad con referencia FFI2012-33557.