Naturaleza humana y política en Denis Diderot.

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Pablo Scotto Benito
The present paper aims to connect Diderot‘s conception of human being with his political ideas. Although we can‘t find in the philosopher‘s work a systematic treatise in which the study of human nature is used to support a certain political system, Diderot‘s empiricist epistemology and materialistic monism, with the consequential revalorization of body‘s passions, lead on to a moral and political thought in accordance with human nature, based on the idea of “universalism” and focused on individuals‘ happiness.
Materialism, Empiricism, Human nature, Politics, Happiness.

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How to Cite
Scotto Benito, Pablo. “Naturaleza humana y política en Denis Diderot”. Oxímora: revista internacional d’Ètica i Política, no. 5, pp. 106-28,