Biogeography, ecology and conservation in the Neopangea: new challenges in Brazil
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Juan Carlos Guix
Universitat de Barcelona
This paper shows the potential impacts caused by the introduction of alien species of both birds and mammals using some examples from the State of São Paulo (Southeastern Brazil). I focus on the lack of studies related to several rewilding initiatives promoted in Brazil during the last five decades of the 20th century.
birds, Brazil, introductions, forest fragmentation, mammals, Neopangea, populations, rewilding
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How to Cite
Guix, Juan Carlos. “Biogeography, ecology and conservation in the Neopangea: new challenges in Brazil”. Orsis: organismes i sistemes, vol.VOL 31, pp. 3-20,
Author Biography
Juan Carlos Guix, Universitat de Barcelona
Departament de Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals. Facultat de Biologia.Most read articles by the same author(s)
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