Mesocoelopus pectinicornis n. sp. de Mesocoelopodinae y nuevas citas de Anobiidae para la República de Sudáfrica (Coleoptera)

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Amador Viñolas
Glòria Masó
Following with the study of the Anobiidae from the collections of Transvaal Museum of Pretoria, a new species of Mesocoelopodinae, Mesocoelopus pectinicornis sp. n., is described. The distribution range of Dryophilinae, Homopthalmus rufithorax (Pic, 1912) is extended. Hemimesothes wendleri Español, 1968 (Mesocoelopodinae) and Methemus pauliani (Pic, 1953) (Dorcatominae) are mentioned for the first time in South Africa.

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How to Cite
Viñolas, Amador; and Masó, Glòria. “Mesocoelopus pectinicornis n. sp. de Mesocoelopodinae y nuevas citas de Anobiidae para la República de Sudáfrica (Coleoptera)”. Orsis: organismes i sistemes, vol.VOL 22, pp. 69-77,

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