The populations of Silaum silaus (Umbelliferae) in Catalonia: Distribution, ecology, threats and status
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Moisès Guardiola
Xavier Oliver
Delegació de la Garrotxa de la Institució Catalana d’Història Natural
Joan Font García
Universitat de Girona. Grup de Recerca de Flora i Vegetació
We report data of known Silaum silaus populations in Catalonia, most of which have been discovered recently. For each population we estimated the magnitude of individuals, their geographical range, habitat type, phenology, density, threats and impacts. Finally, we analyzed the conservation status of Silaum silaus in Catalonia with IUCN criteria and suggest some proposals for the conservation of the species.
Silaum silaus, population, habitat, conservation, threatened flora, Catalonia
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How to Cite
Guardiola, Moisès et al. “The populations of Silaum silaus (Umbelliferae) in Catalonia: Distribution, ecology, threats and status”. Orsis: organismes i sistemes, vol.VOL 28, pp. 55-73,
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