Vida y des-vivificación : la génesis existencial de la ciencia en el joven Heidegger
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Felipe Johnson
Universidad Andrés Bello
This paper aims to describe the existential movement of factual life, which Heidegger in his early lessons calls process of de-vivification (Entlebungsprozeß), to clarify how would be possible that philosophy determines the thematic horizon for scienti!c considerations. In the context of the early Freiburg period we will discuss in what sense it is possible to understand the philosophical foundation of science and how the factual life is the horizon itself of this foundation. "erefore, the main goal of these considerations is to explain the existential relation between ontology and positive science
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Johnson, Felipe. “Vida y des-vivificación : la génesis existencial de la ciencia en el joven Heidegger”. Ontology studies, no. 12, pp. 261-9,