Asombro y conocimiento : una mirada al pathos platónico

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María Luisa Bacarlett Pérez
Angeles Ma. del Rosario Pérez Bernal
We analyze the role of pathos as emergency condition for both, logos and episteme, which leads us to recognize that along with an intellectual conception of the Platonic theory of knowledge, that demands to abolish all irrational elements that cloud the judgment, there is another perspective, especially supported by the Phaedrus, in which pathos, understood as love like madness, is not just a stage to overcome in order to arrive at the intuition of Forms, but it becomes itself a cognitive experience that gives back to knowledge its human nature.

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Com citar
Bacarlett Pérez, María Luisa; and Rosario Pérez Bernal, Angeles Ma. del. “Asombro y conocimiento : una mirada al pathos platónico”. Ontology studies, no. 12, pp. 183-02,