Podem fer amb la plastilina el paper de la magdalena!
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Alba Requena Castellà
Kaouthar Boukafri Itahriouan
This article presents two visualmaths
problems with multiple possible answers,
and an analysis of the verbalizations and
actions produced by two groups of
5-year-old childrenwhen solving them using
supportmaterials. The problems are
illustrated by a temporal sequence of three
pictures (initial problem, partial solution,
and final result),with one of them not
shown. Children are divided in groups and,
through discussion, they have to agree on
how to solve the problem and represent it on
paper. Thismethodology allows the children
to take an active role in theirmathematics
learning, stimulating participation and
interest in problem-solving, and
encouraging them not only to think of a
solution but also to put it into practice.
problems with multiple possible answers,
and an analysis of the verbalizations and
actions produced by two groups of
5-year-old childrenwhen solving them using
supportmaterials. The problems are
illustrated by a temporal sequence of three
pictures (initial problem, partial solution,
and final result),with one of them not
shown. Children are divided in groups and,
through discussion, they have to agree on
how to solve the problem and represent it on
paper. Thismethodology allows the children
to take an active role in theirmathematics
learning, stimulating participation and
interest in problem-solving, and
encouraging them not only to think of a
solution but also to put it into practice.
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How to Cite
Requena Castellà, Alba; and Boukafri Itahriouan, Kaouthar. “Podem fer amb la plastilina el paper de la magdalena!”. Noubiaix: revista de la FEEMCAT i la SCM, no. 40, pp. 51-60, https://raco.cat/index.php/Noubiaix/article/view/347765.