Phalacrichus max n. sp. (Coleoptera, Limnichidae) from Peru (America)

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I. Ribera
Carles Hernando
A species of the genus Phalacrichus Sharp is described as new, P max n. sp. collected at light in a flooded secondary forest near Iquitos, Peru. According to its externa1 morphology it seems closer to P spangleri Wooldridge, frorn which it can be separated by the puncturation of the head, the shape of the pronoturn, the pubescence. the pronotal tubercles and the aedeagus. Phalacrichus max n. sp. represents the 13th
known species of this Neotropical genus.

Key words: Coleoptera, Dryopoidea, Limnichidae, Phalacrichus max n. sp., Peru, Neotropical region.

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Ribera, I.; and Hernando, Carles. “Phalacrichus max n. sp. (Coleoptera, Limnichidae) from Peru (America)”. Miscel·lània Zoològica, vol.VOL 23, no. 2, pp. 103-6,