Somnis i visions en l'obra espiritual d'Arnau de Vilanova

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Jaume Mensa i Valls
Arnau de Vilanova’s works include references to dreams or visions on six occasions. Two visions are concerned with the genesis of his own treatises, while two moralis-ing dreams by two nuns, as well as dreams by King Fred-eric of Sicily and King Jaume II of Aragon, are reported in his Interpretatio de visionibus in somniis. His personal in-volvement differs, according to the source: he recounts and interprets his own dreams, merely narrates the nuns’ dreams, and interprets the royal dreams. The pur-pose, always pragmatic, also varies, from legitimization in his visions to the exemplary function of the nuns’ dreams and the political intent of the royal dreams, where a re-form of the Church and Christendom is the objective.

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Com citar
Mensa i Valls, Jaume. “Somnis i visions en l’obra espiritual d’Arnau de Vilanova”. Mot so razo, vol.VOL 16, pp. 61-70, doi:10.33115/udg_bib/msr.v16i0.22223.