A proposal for a course on the History of Translation for a humanistic translator training

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Pilar Martino Alba
History of Translation should be considered a fundamental issue and one of the founding areas in the formative years of a translator. Within the teaching–learning process, the prospective translator has the opportunity to expand his/her worldview and learn how to handle the tapestry of encyclopedic knowledge which will allow weaving the texts with artistic skills and real craftsmanship. This constitutes the main objective of my proposal. The approach I take here extends beyond the introduction of chronological distribution divided into major historical periods. In each of them, I analyze the historical, sociological and political contexts based on texts and biographies which enable highlighting the real actors of the translation process. Finally, this approach leads toward the analysis and comments on the texts, those being the product of reflections on the translators‟ work. Thus, I propose a circular vision of the History of Translation, starting with a debate on the iconographic symbols which show clearly the translator´s activity and, subsequently, drawing the circle mentioned previously, across the areas of context, actor and text.
History of translation, Historical research, Context, Translator, Text

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How to Cite
Martino Alba, Pilar. “A proposal for a course on the History of Translation for a humanistic translator training”. MonTi: Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación, no. 5, pp. 71-96, https://raco.cat/index.php/MonTI/article/view/301249.