A Filosofia Política de Marsílio de Pádua : os Novos Conceitos de Pax, de Civitas e de Lex
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Moisés Romanazzi Tôrres
Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei
Marsiglio of Padua (c. 1280-c. 1343), directly from Aristote, redifined in natural perspective three central conceits of christian thought: peace (pax), political society (civitas) and law (lex). This redefinition is present in Prima Dictio of Defensor Pacis (finished at 1324). In this article, i develop, for each conceit, a history of development in the occidental thought, to determinate the Marsiglio’s rupture. After, i develop, same for each conceit, the aristotelic thought, to demonstrate as the Marsiglio’s perspectives are connecteds, directly, at Aristote.
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Romanazzi Tôrres, Moisés. «A Filosofia Política de Marsílio de Pádua : os Novos Conceitos de Pax, de Civitas e de Lex». Mirabilia: electronic journal of antiquity and middle ages, n.º 3, pp. 163-91, https://raco.cat/index.php/Mirabilia/article/view/283647.
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