The royal voice into the Vita Wilfrithi of Eddius Stephanus

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Alberto Asla

The history of Anglo-Saxon England is a fruitful field of research for Spanish-speaking historiography, even so, and despite having some works linked to philology and theology, for history is almost nil. In this sense, our work, although small, aims to account for the wealth of this period through an absolutely different and specific approach: history of the senses. And from there, in order to find a medieval soundscape is that our goal will be to trace and analyze the royal "voice" from the dispute between the two traditions of Christianity existing during the seventh century and later its subsequent establishment as a religio licitas.

Eddius Stephanus; Vita Whilfrithi; King; Voice

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How to Cite
Asla, Alberto. “The royal voice into the Vita Wilfrithi of Eddius Stephanus”. Mirabilia: electronic journal of antiquity and middle ages, no. 29, pp. 1-12,