A Proposal for a Universal Science in Ars Brevis (1308) by Ramon Llull
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Fabricia dos Santos Giuberti
As a passionate follower of Ramon Llull, Nicolau de Cusa, had in his personal library, several works of Catalan philosopher. One version of Art Llull which had spread over the centuries following his death was the Art Brief (1308) precisely because it is a simplification of his proposals to create a universal science idea as to suit modern thought still in gestation. The purpose of this issue is to present the general structure of his art, as the Mallorcan went down to posterity as an original innovator of medieval proposals unification of all sciences.
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Giuberti, Fabricia dos Santos. “A Proposal for a Universal Science in Ars Brevis (1308) by Ramon Llull”. Mirabilia: electronic journal of antiquity and middle ages, no. 19, pp. 284-9, https://raco.cat/index.php/Mirabilia/article/view/286977.