The medieval university : a memory

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Terezinha Oliveira
In this article, we intend to analyze in general, the origins of the medieval university, considering it as a new place, favorable to the knowledge that participated with the community interests and it was legitimally knew as a fundamental space by the laic and ecclesiastic government. In this study we have based in some studious writers who held good position studying about the medieval university as SAVIGNY (1844), VERGER (1973), STEENBERGHEN (198?) e NARDI (1996). We believe that the questions treated by the medieval theoretical and what these studying people try to put in relief don’t express only the individual worries, but inquietudes and questions that the society asked in this historic epoch. Through these questions, we look for the origins of University that in other ways is a meaning of asking for the reasons for its existence. But we see in this study a further reach, not only just a look over the medieval. Doing this, we judge to be referring questions concerned to the future too, not thinking that there are the same problems, but because we are talking about the same Institution. In this way, we will be able, at least, to verify how the wise men of that epoch built these spaces that continue being a proper and opportune space for the knowledge. With that when we study the origens of the medieval universities using the historiography and the medieval documents, we are, in the same manner, creating a new memory and a new space of knowledge, established by our problems and our daily relations.

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How to Cite
Oliveira, Terezinha. “The medieval university : a memory”. Mirabilia: electronic journal of antiquity and middle ages, no. 6, pp. 63-78,