“Venid a suspirar al verde prado”: saudade e melancolia em uma canção ibérica (séc. XVI)
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José Eduardo Costa Silva
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Brasil)
This article by employing the use of musical analysis, investigating the possibility of music porting an objective basis for the production of sensations, feelings and meanings. Thus, it is inscribed in the traditional discussion, often engendered by neo- Kantian and the Husserlian phenomenology, around the categorical joints involved in the subject-object relationship. The analyzed example is the Iberian anonymous “Venid a suspirar al verde prado”. Through its analysis, we concluded that the constitution's own musical time lie the foundations that sustain affective production and signifying that common sense attributes to the Iberian repertoire, especially the Portuguese songbook.
Paraules clau
Canção ibérica, Análise musical, Fenomenologia, Neo-kantismo
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Com citar
Costa Silva, José Eduardo. “‘Venid a suspirar al verde prado’: saudade e melancolia em uma canção ibérica (séc. XVI)”. Mirabilia: electronic journal of antiquity and middle ages, no. 21, pp. 242-51, https://raco.cat/index.php/Mirabilia/article/view/304039.
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