Sobre la belleza y el amor en la transición del paganismo al Cristianismo
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Humberto Schubert Coelho
While Plato is considered an absolute grounding for aesthetics, invaluable contributions to the concept of beauty were offered by the Christian thought. Although the underestimation of such contribution as a mere reflex of Platonism is not sustainable, it is undeniable that substantial part of platonic ideas on beauty and the role of love in the connection between consciousness and the supreme transcendent metaphysics of the source of being, which is identified with the beauty, exerts the most powerful influence on the Christian conception. The aesthetics in Antiquity, thus, consists in a dialogue between the beautiful Greek form and the Christian sentiment on the light of platonic idealism. Therefore, in order to understand the introspection and sublimation of Christian aesthetics the study of the delicate transition between cultural, religious and philosophical realms, and how this transition intensifies the emphasis on the role of love in the aesthetical economy, is mandatory.
Palabras clave
Beauty, Plato, Plotinus, Augustine, Love
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Cómo citar
Coelho, Humberto Schubert. «Sobre la belleza y el amor en la transición del paganismo al Cristianismo». Mirabilia: electronic journal of antiquity and middle ages, n.º 28, pp. 478-95,