Memory of stone: the coal hut of the Hoces del Cabriel
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Ángela Calero Valverde
Instituto Universitario de Antropología. Universidad Católica de Valencia
The coal hut is a legacy inherited from the traditional lifestyles of the Natural Park of Hoces del Cabriel. This article attempts to put that ethnologic element in the proper place, integrating it into the heritage local list as a cultural element of the first order, and arguing the importance it has for the landscape configuration of the protected environment. To this end, we discuss the methodology used in its anthropological study and propose courses of action for enhancement and conservation.
vernacular architecture, coal hut, ethnological heritage, cultural landscape
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How to Cite
Calero Valverde, Ángela. “Memory of stone: the coal hut of the Hoces del Cabriel”. Millars: espai i història, vol.VOL 35, pp. 309-22,