Fragmento de instrumento musical. Poblado ibérico de Torre la Sal (Cabanes, Castellón)

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Verónica Marsá González
During the summer of 2007 there was excavated arqueologically the area of intervention named PAI Torre la Sal área 55TSAL- 009 VIALES - YACIMIENTO DE TORRE LA SAL. The piece that is going to be analyzed was situated in the Sector S7 that corresponds with one zone of the important necropolis of the Iberian opposing settlement. In this article there is analyzed a small tubular piece of bone that might splits of a musical instrument.

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How to Cite
Marsá González, Verónica. “Fragmento de instrumento musical. Poblado ibérico de Torre la Sal (Cabanes, Castellón)”. Millars: espai i història, vol.VOL 31, pp. 9-24,