Biografía inédita de los Hermanos pintores Vicente y Eugenio Guilló, representantes del barroco decorativo en Castellón

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Patricia Mir Soria
This article treats to expound the biography of the baroque painters Vicente and Eugenio Guilló, who worked in Valencian land between the XVII and XVIII centuries, they specialized in feigned architectures and colls. From Vinaròs, where two brothers were native, to Valencia in case of Vicente or Albocàcer and Castellón in case of Eugenio, are traced all documental dates that we have to know the two painters life.

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How to Cite
Mir Soria, Patricia. “Biografía inédita de los Hermanos pintores Vicente y Eugenio Guilló, representantes del barroco decorativo en Castellón”. Millars: espai i història, vol.VOL 25, pp. 45-58,