"A Luta não Tem Fim": una experiencia del movimiento social y de educación popular en el Brasil entre 1985 y 1987

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Vera Lucia Ermida Barbosa
Hélia Roly Cunha
From the 1980s onwards, there was a sharp rise in the growth of mass movements. In the case of Brazil, the theoretical and moral references of liberation theology and popular education played a key role in the re-democratisation process following the military dictatorship which began in 1964. The struggle for housing arose within this political and ideological framework and gave rise to the documentary entitled “A Luta não Tem Fim” (“The Fight has no End”). Analysing this experience can provide us with clues to promote reflections on social movements in the current post-colonial and decolonial scene.
Paraules clau
movimientos sociales, educación popular, transformación social, poscolonialismo, decolonialidad

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Com citar
Ermida Barbosa, Vera Lucia; and Roly Cunha, Hélia. “‘A Luta não Tem Fim’: una experiencia del movimiento social y de educación popular en el Brasil entre 1985 y 1987”. Millars: espai i història, vol.VOL 41, no. 2, pp. 129-54, https://raco.cat/index.php/Millars/article/view/328292.