De nación a estar sin nacionalidad: sujetos migratorios en la bioregión amazónica
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Jacob G. Price
As identity based nationality is losing its importance, it is increasingly important to anaIyze other ways in which identity formation takes its place. In the case of the Amazonian region, the concept of a bioregion, defined not by any patriotism or poltical boundaries, but by a particular ecosystem and the interaction of individuals in that ecosystem, better explains how those who reside in the Amazon form a community and identily. Bioregions, because they dea l with geographic or natural boundaries, encompasses Amazonian cosmology, which is based on the ecosystem which humans and non-humans inhabit together.
Paraules clau
bioregión, indígena, Amazonia, identitdad
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Com citar
Price, Jacob G. “De nación a estar sin nacionalidad: sujetos migratorios en la bioregión amazónica”. Millars: espai i història, vol.VOL 40, no. 1, pp. 179-94,