De la lección moral de la naturaleza a la invención del cine en un libro de Antonio Enríquez Gómez dedicado a la reina Isabel de Borbón

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Antonio Lázaro Cebrián
The present paper explores the images of Nature as moral lesson in two ample fragments of the long romance (more than 4.000 verses) dedicated by AEG, and never printed, to Queen Elizabeth of Borbon's death. The romance and the prose that follows it are the object of the author's doctoral thesis. The article analyzes an image (the walking theatre) that announces the movie invention of moving pictures two hundred and fifty years before the actual invention of cinema.
Paraules clau
poesía barroca, naturaleza moral, cinematógrafo, Isabel de Borbón

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Com citar
Lázaro Cebrián, Antonio. “De la lección moral de la naturaleza a la invención del cine en un libro de Antonio Enríquez Gómez dedicado a la reina Isabel de Borbón”. Millars: espai i història, vol.VOL 40, no. 1, pp. 39-65,