Los espejos de vidrio con marco en plomo de época romana. A propósito de un ejemplar procedente de Sagunto

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Fernando López Bravo
Sandrine Delaporte
A synthesis of lead-framed glass mirrors from Roman times, in which the technical and decorative characteristics, as well as their uses and functions, are concisely analysed.

lt is a type of object which was widely used throughout almost all Roman territories, but which was virtually unknown in Hispania. Then follows the study of a lead frame discovered al Roman levels during excavations carried out near the Plaza de la Morería in Sagunto, including other similar Hispanic pieces from previous excavations .

Paraules clau
espejo, plomo, Sagunto, Hispania, Época romana

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Com citar
López Bravo, Fernando; and Delaporte, Sandrine. “Los espejos de vidrio con marco en plomo de época romana. A propósito de un ejemplar procedente de Sagunto”. Millars: espai i història, vol.VOL 39, no. 2, pp. 211-37, https://raco.cat/index.php/Millars/article/view/328269.