Lesions i estructures fúngiques en arbustos espontanis de Catalunya. II. Sobre fulles i branquillons de Buxus sempervirens

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Dolores Sierra López
Xavier Llimona i Pagès
Pilar Hoyo Navarro
Maria Muntañola-Cvetkovic
Lesions and fungal structures on wild shrubs of Catalonia. II. On leaves and twigs of
Buxus sempervirens.
Descriptions are given of different types of lesions and fungal populations
observed on leaves and twigs of Buxus sempervirens collected in 25 sites of Catalonia since Oct. 1994.
The date, collecting sites, implicated taxa and frequency of each one are indicated. In the lesions
showing picnidial or ascomatal cavities, the presence or absence of fertile elements into the cavities is
noted and its relationship with the season is stated. Twenty-one fungal species (5 coelomycets, 6
hyphomycetes, 9 ascomycetes and 2 basidiomycetes) and 2 lichens have been identified. Dothiorella
candollei, Fusarium buxicola, Sesquicillium buxi , Discosphaerina miribelii , Dothidea puccinioides,
Gibberella buxi, Nectria desmazierii>and Pseudonectria rousseliana had not been reported until now in our
works. The colour photographs that illustrate this study contribute to its practical utility.

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How to Cite
Sierra López, Dolores et al. “Lesions i estructures fúngiques en arbustos espontanis de Catalunya. II. Sobre fulles i branquillons de <i>Buxus sempervirens</i>”;. Revista Catalana de Micologia, vol.VOL 23, pp. 127-43, https://raco.cat/index.php/Micologia/article/view/272460.

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