Rectipilus cistophilus Esteve-Rav. et Vila sp. nov., un nuevo hongo cifeloide mediterraneo

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Jordi Vila i Garcia
Fernando Esteve-Raventós
Xavier Llimona i Pagès
Description, iconography and discussion of a new species in the genus
Rectipilus, that is frequent on dead leaves and twigs of Cistus monspeliensis and C. salviifolius. The new species is compared with neighbouring taxa, as R. Natalensis (W.B. Cooke) Agerer from SouthAfrica and R. Erttbescens (DA. Reid) Agerer fi-om Zimbabwe.

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How to Cite
Vila i Garcia, Jordi et al. “<i>Rectipilus cistophilus</i> Esteve-Rav. et Vila sp. nov., un nuevo hongo cifeloide mediterraneo”. Revista Catalana de Micologia, vol.VOL 22, pp. 1-4,

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