Alguns macromicets nous o interessants de l'illa de Mallorca (Balears)

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Josep Maria Vidal i Frigola
Josep Lleonard Siquier i Vigrós
Carles Constantino i Mas
Some new or interesting macromycetes from the Island of Majorca (Balearic Islands). Fifteen species are studied. 4 ascomycetes and 11 basidiomycetes. Thirteen of them are new records for the Balearic
Istands. The most noteworthy are: Peziza muscicola, Hygrophorus leucophaeo - ilicis, Thelephora anthocephala and Tomentellina fibrosa. Descriptions and M. O. photographies of them are furnished.

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Com citar
Vidal i Frigola, Josep Maria et al. “Alguns macromicets nous o interessants de l’illa de Mallorca (Balears)”. Revista Catalana de Micologia, vol.VOL 17, pp. 135-44,

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