Mycena pseudopicta (J.E. Lange) Kühner, a rare graminicolous species growing on Poaceae
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Gabriel Moreno Horcajada
Michel Heykoop Fung-A-You
Mycena pseudopicta (J .E. Lange) Kühner, a rare graminicolous species growing on
Poaceae. Mycena pseudopicta, a rare species from section Cinerellae Singer ex Maas Geest., ocurring in
Spain, is described and illustrated macro- and microscopically. It is characterized by its strongly
decurrent gills, its cheilocystidia with fairly long and coarse excrescences and its graminicolous habitat.
Poaceae. Mycena pseudopicta, a rare species from section Cinerellae Singer ex Maas Geest., ocurring in
Spain, is described and illustrated macro- and microscopically. It is characterized by its strongly
decurrent gills, its cheilocystidia with fairly long and coarse excrescences and its graminicolous habitat.
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Com citar
Moreno Horcajada, Gabriel; and Heykoop Fung-A-You, Michel. “<i>Mycena pseudopicta</i> (J.E. Lange) Kühner, a rare graminicolous species growing on Poaceae”. Revista Catalana de Micologia, vol.VOL 24, pp. 271-5,
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