Los hongos y los espíritus elementales

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Manel Niell i Barachina
The toxic effects of the fly agaric, Amanita
muscaria (L.) Lam. had been proposed for some authors as the origin of some legends concerning the
elemental spirits of Nature. Unfortunately, many of these studies are reflecting generalizations not
demonstrated, and are based more on assumptions than on facts. Also, the consumption of the fly
agaric is very poorly documented in Europe. On the other hand, the tinder fungus, Fomes
fomentarius (L.) Fr., with a long-documented history of use, offers qualities to be related with the
legends concerning fire, the origin of fire and some of the mythological spirits.

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Com citar
Niell i Barachina, Manel. “Los hongos y los espíritus elementales”. Revista Catalana de Micologia, vol.VOL 38, pp. 59-69, https://raco.cat/index.php/Micologia/article/view/350128.