El Lancelot en prose en bibliotecas de la Península Ibérica ayer y hoy

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Lourdes Soriano Robles
The author tracks the presence of manuscripts of the Lancelot en prose in medieval libraries from the examination of post mortem inventories and records of libraries; these data help us to prove the circulation of Arthurian works in the Iberian Peninsula. She also analyses, from a codicological point of view, the medieval manuscripts in French preserved today in Spain (Puigcerdà, Madrid, San Lorenzo de El Escorial) and Portugal (Coimbra). The article aims to evaluate the diffusion and reception of the work and interpret some of the codicological features pointing to the place of origin of the manuscripts.

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How to Cite
Soriano Robles, Lourdes. “El Lancelot en prose en bibliotecas de la Península Ibérica ayer y hoy”. Medievalia, vol.VOL 16, pp. 265-83, https://raco.cat/index.php/Medievalia/article/view/291186.